
India as a ‘developed’ country: where we are, and the challenges ahead

India as a ‘developed’ country: where we are, and the challenges ahead

  • While addressing the nation on Independence Day, Indian PM asked Indians to embrace the “Panch Pran” (five vows) by 2047 including a vow to become a developed country in the next 25 years.

What is a “developed” country?

  • World Economic Situation and Prospects of the United Nations classifies countries into three broad categories:
  • Developed economies,
  • Economies in transition,
  • Developing economies,
  • The basic idea is “to reflect basic economic conditions”.
  • There are 31 developed countries according to the UN in all.
  • All the rest except 17 “economies in transition” are designated as “developing” countries

UN’s nomenclature is often contested, Why?

  • Not accurate
  • Doesn’t reflect the true picture
  • Has limited analytical value.

Where does India stand?

  • India is currently defined as a developing country.
  • India is one of the biggest economies of the world but still far behind the US and China.
  • On per capita income, India is behind even Bangladesh.
  • China’s per capita income is 5.5 times that of India, and the UK’s is almost 33 times.

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Challenges for India to become Developed country

  • Relative Poverty in India: As per World Bank, most Indians are still relatively poor than other middle income or rich countries.
  • Food Share of Consuption: Even the total consumption by rich households in India is far behind the poor households in rich countries.


  • By 2047 at least half its citizens would join the ranks of the global middle class.
  • Citizens will have access to
  • Better education and health care
  • Clean water and improved sanitation
  • Reliable electricity,
  • Safe environment, affordable housing,
  • Enough discretionary income to spend on leisure pursuits.
  • So, the path towards becoming a developed nation is visible and achievable.

Prelims Takeaway

  • World Economic Situation and Prospects
  • Poverty in India
  • Human Development in India
