
The story of millets

The story of millets

  • A pre-launch celebration of International Year of Millets was held recently in New Delhi.
  • It was organised by the Ministries of Agriculture and External Affairs. Millets


  • Small-grained cereals like sorghum (jowar), pearl millet (bajra), foxtail millet (kangni/ Italian millet), little millet (kutki), etc.
  • They require much less water than rice and wheat, and are mainly grown in rainfed areas.

Millets around the world

  • Globally, sorghum (jowar) is the biggest millet crop.
  • The major producers of jowar are United States, China, Australia, India, Argentina, Nigeria, and Sudan.
  • Bajra is another major millet crop; India and some African countries are major producers.


  • Food security
  • Millets are a climate-friendly crop that can even be grown in drought-hit areas.
  • High nutritive value
  • In April 2018, the Agriculture Ministry declared certain millets as Nutri Cereals for the purposes of production, consumption, and trade
  • These include: Jowar, bajra, ragi/ mandua,
  • Minor millets: Kangani/ kakun, cheena, kodo, sawa/ sanwa/ jhangora, and kutki
  • Pseudo millets: Buckwheat (kuttu) and amaranth (chaulai).
  • Millets are more nutritious compared to fine cereals.
  • Millets contain 7-12% protein, 2-5% fat, 65-75% carbohydrates and 15-20% dietary fibre.
  • Political significance
  • Grown mainly in low-income and developing countries in Asia and Africa
  • Part of the food basket of about 60 crore people across the globe.
  • Health benefits
  • Millets reduce Anemia, liver disorders, and Asthma.
  • Their high dietary fiber provides hunger satisfaction and helps reduce obesity and the risk of Type II Diabetes.

Millets in India

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  • Production
  • In India, millets are mainly a kharif crop.
  • 2018-19: Three millet crops (bajra, jowar, and ragi)accounted for about 7% of the gross cropped area in the country.
  • Jowar Producing States:Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, and Madhya Pradesh.
  • Bajra Producing States: Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka.
  • Millets under PDS
  • Under the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013, eligible households are entitled to get rice, wheat, and coarse grain at Rs 3, Rs 2, and Re 1 per kg respectively.
  • While the Act does not mention millets, coarse grains are included in the definition of “foodgrains” under Section 2(5) of the NFSA.
  • However, the quantity of coarse grains procured for the Central Pool and distributed under the NFSA has been negligible.
  • Steps taken by the govt.
  • The push to distribute coarse grains under the PDS has not gained momentum.
  • The Centre has accepted the recommendation of a committee set up by it, that millets be included in the PDS in order to improve nutritional support.
  • The government has set a target to procure 13.72 LMT coarse grains during the Kharif Marketing Season (KMS) 2022-23, more than double the 6.30 LMT procured during KMS 2021-22.
  • Year of Millets
  • In March, 2021, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution to declare 2023 as the International Year of Millets.
  • The proposal was moved by India, and was supported by 72 countries.
  • The International Year of Millets will raise awareness about the importance of millets in food security and nutrition.
